Portal 2 voice actors
Portal 2 voice actors

portal 2 voice actors

  • Activating the portal, then activating Into the Void, and then closing the portal as soon as the player enters the void allows them to shoot while downed.
  • Sometimes players may travel through the portal slower than intended.
  • Sometimes players cannot enter the portal.
  • The ability can also be used to "kidnap" an enemy from their squad by placing the portal on top of them, temporarily separating them from their team, allowing the player and/or the team to take them down easier.
  • This can be used to regain the ability to perform normal actions before the ability would be over if need be.
  • If the portal is placed while Into the Void is being used, the phase will be canceled and the portal will be placed.
  • Be careful when doing this as the player's teammates can fall victim to this method.
  • Placing the exit of the portal at the edge of a map and baiting any enemies to take the portal can cause them to fall to their deaths or into a map feature that does environmental damage.
  • Multiple players can take the portal at the same time instead of waiting for one to exit.
  • The portal rift follows the player, and is placed in the direction the player is facing.
  • The player can use their abilities while placing a portal.
  • The portal can be used to help downed teammates to quickly travel or to bait enemies if done correctly.
  • This ability is best used to help a squad escape when backed into a corner.
  • Portals will disappear after four seconds if both ends are outside The Ring.
  • portal 2 voice actors

    Players taking the portal are invulnerable and leave a faint blue trail, much like Wraith while using Into the Void.Wraith cannot use another Dimension Rift while placing hers, that is she only simply goes past the rift without entering it.While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive a 25% speed bonus and can skip the Into the Void 'Focusing' animation.If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%.upon activation and does not drain while standing still. The Rift Energy is shown on top of the H.U.D. Wraith can run roughly 75 meters before placing the other end of the portal.Players can then pass through the portal to take that same path through the void at 5x the speed they would otherwise.

    portal 2 voice actors

  • Wraith places one end of a portal where she activates the ability, then runs to another location and places the other end.

  • Portal 2 voice actors