Curse or minion wow addons
Curse or minion wow addons

curse or minion wow addons

addDialogQuestLevels ) then local button = _G local questTitle = button : GetText () local level = select ( i. ) if numQuests = 0 then return buttonIndex + 1 end for i = 2, numQuests, jump do if ( self. urabilityFu\libs\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:972įunction BlizzardFrames : OnGossipShow () local function gossip_loop ( jump, buttonIndex, do_texture. urabilityFu\libs\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:975: \AddOns\nQuestLog\a line 160:Īttempt to index global 'this' (a nil value) In beta, getting lots of global "this" errors. last time I did any serious coding was before c++ was even conceived. So, over the next couple of days I'm making sure I haven't missed anything silly and my Mrs is helping with such as she uses it also, after that I'll find somewhere to upload it to and provide a link here, however, if it doesn't work for you then its tough luck, I really do not have the time nor the expertise to adopt this addon with a view to maintaining it, hell.

curse or minion wow addons

at that point I'll simply change to another addon, but for now nQuestLog is alive and kicking. I must make it clear, I'm in no-way maintaining this addon other than fixing it for personal use until such time that fixing is going to require a rewrite or heavy duty overhaul. this casued the quest minion to lockup/freeze so I've put some extra code into Quixote lib to handle such - this generic fall back zone I've called "Unknown" and I've not localised it for other languages but a simple string search in Quixote will find it for ya.Īlso fixed the the mouseclick events in the main xml (thats where half the problems were coming from) along with many "this -> self" conversions along and an accidental global "self" reference in the early stages of click processing which again caused alot of field = nil errors Incidently I came accross a couple of quests (while running no addons) which had blank zone headers ie Blizzard did not pass the info as to which zone the quests should be done in. Got this thing working with only 2x AceComm errors (which are nothing to worry about as far as I can tell).

Curse or minion wow addons